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Project SDLC

For a general understanding of the Project SDLC and we would also like to add that there can be changes to the user or roles and responsibility of the different participants mentioned in the SDLC.
Most of the times recruiters are confused as to what is SDLC and wonder about the different roles and responsibilities carried out by the participants mentioned below. Explanation provided below will actually help you understand different user with in the different phases of SDLC and where they come into picture to actually be in a better position to question a consultant against the requirement on hand.
It is important to understand the needs, goals, and challenges of the project .The Customer objectives can be defined by the business requirements which are used to determine the scope of the system. When start by defining the business requirements, it is important that the team look at all types of requirements .
What are Project Roles and Team Responsibilities?There are many groups of people involved in both the project and project management lifecycles; there are specific roles for each group in the staff assigned for the project. SDLC provides details to the phase and process level, whereas the PM Lifecycle further decomposes activities down to individual tasks.
Project Team consists of a Program Manager who will head and Project Manager along Project Team members who are responsible for planning and executing the project.
Team members in the SDLC are described below.

Facilitator leads sessions to identify business requirements and issues, keeps sessions focused and productive, draws out issues and ideas from all participants, and maintains clear and open communications within the session.
Business Analyst:( Functional Expert with excellent requirement analytical skills)
Tools used: Analyst Pro, Blueprint, CaliberRM, Jama Contour.
Example : financial expert, telecom expert etc.
effectively leads discussions with the Customers to determine the business requirements, participates in preparing the data and process models, prepares module specifications, test data, and user documentation materials, assists in prototyping activities, and develops strategies for testing and implementation.

Database Administrator: (Technical expert on database and usually one for a small to medium project but if the project is huge can also need more then one.)
Example : Oracle DBA, SQL DBA, Sybase DBA etc.
is responsible for providing and maintaining database administration policies and procedures, approving and executing database scripts, performing database tuning activities, and transforming a pictorial representation of the system data (the Logical Data Model) into physical database tables that support the final system.

Data Warehousing /Process Modeler:
Data warehousing can be broadly classified in 3 section
1. Back end . eg: any database Tool Used. (oracle, SQL)
2. Middle layer. eg: any ETL Tool Used. ( informatica, datastage)
3. Front end. eg: any BI reporting Tool Used.( Microstratergy, Hyperion, Cognos)
Develops and maintains data and process models to represent the business information needs in the area under study, develops and defines the data dictionary, validates models with the Customers, and participates in prototyping.

System and Database Technical Lead/Architect :( Technical Design expert)
Tools Used: UML, Rational Rose, ERWin (for database ).
drives the logical process and data models into application architecture, establishes architecture guidelines, and develops strategies for the creation and distribution of applications.
Programmer Analyst/Application Developers:( Programmer & Developers )
Tools Used: C,C++, VC ++, C#, Java, SQL.
include all those responsible for developing prototypes, technical specifications, and application code, and for executing test scripts.

Software Quality Assurance Manager/Analyst: (Testing Expert)
There are two types of Testers Automated and Manual.
Tools Used: QTP, Winrunner, Rational Testing Tool.
is responsible for establishing and executing the Quality Assurance Plan, for assisting in the preparation of test scripts and test data, and for participating in integration and acceptance testing efforts.

Technical Services: ( System and Network Administrator)
They manage different Operations Systems(Microsoft 95,xp, linux, unix, solaris) and equipments across the development environment .
include all those responsible for the ordering, installation and maintenance of hardware and software components, LAN/WAN components and telecommunications components.
Information Security Officer is responsible for identifying and enforcing security standards and processes.
Technical Support: ( Will depend upon what kind of application support we are talking about and we also have support at different Levels at the basic level there is no need to have technical expertise but as the severity of the problem increases then there will be need to have a technically qualified person to support the same )
includes all those responsible for supporting the development of the new system. Support includes the documentation of user, training, operation materials, and help files, training for Customers, responding to technical and business questions forwarded to the Help Desk, and supporting the project and associated administrative processes.


Robert Thomas said…
You have so much of information provided here yaar. Why didn't you inform this? I need to go through all of them.

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