Recruiter: This Is a Staffing Blog Dedicated to all the recruiters. A recruiter is someone engaging in recruitment which is the solicitation of individuals to fill jobs or positions within any group such as a sports team or corporation. Recruiters can be divided into 2 groups: those working internally for one organization, and those working for multiple clients in a 3rd-party broker relationship, sometimes called headhunters. Internal recruiter: An internal recruiter is member of a company or organization, and is typically works in HR (human resources), which in the past was known as the Personnel Office, or just Personnel. These individuals can be multi-functional in that they work in an HR generalist role (hiring, firing, exit interviews, employee disputes, contracts, benefits, recruiting, etc.) or they can work in a specific role focusing all their time in the area of recruiting. They can be permanent employees, or hired as contractors for this purpose. Contract recruiters ten...
Recruitment refers to the process of finding possible candidates for a job or function, undertaken by recruiters. It may be undertaken by an employment agency or a member of staff at the business or organization looking for recruits. Either way it may involve advertising, commonly in the recruitment section of a newspaper or in a newspaper dedicated to job adverts. Employment agencies will often advertise jobs in their windows. Posts can also be advertised at a job centre if they are targeting the unemployed. Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication skills, typing skills, computer skills. Evidence for skills required for a job may be provided in the form of qualifications (educational or professional), experience in a job requiring the relevant skills or the testimony of references. Employment agencies may also give computerized tests to assess an individuals' off hand knowledge of software packages or their typing skills. At a more ...