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DOT Net. “Microsoft Technologies” & Cold Fusion

DOT Net. “Microsoft Technologies” Ado.Net – Data base module. ASP.Net - ASP.NET is used to create Web pages and Web services and is an integral part of Microsoft's .NET vision as Front End.
C# & VB.Net (Code Behind File= responds to functional inputs from the front end) - C# is an object-oriented programming language used with XML (Extensible Markup Language) based Web services on the .NET platform and designed for improving productivity in the development of Web applications.
VB.Net – Microsoft Visual basic used on Microsoft server as Back end.
ASP – A specification for a dynamically created Web page with a .ASP extension that utilizes ActiveX scripting -- usually VB Script or Jscript code.

ADO.NET: When a action is performed at the front end and the action requires to talk to Database then you use ADO.NET.

AJAX: When a part of the web page requires to get data from the back end AJAX helps for faster data access( Where by the need for the whole page to retrieve the data is eliminated).

Cold Fusion – Cold Fusion is an application server and software development framework used for the development of computer software in general, and dynamic web sites in particular. In this regard, Cold Fusion is a similar product to ASP.NET or Java Enterprise Edition.

ColdFusion is a programming language based on standard HTML that is used to write dynamic web pages. It lets you create pages on the fly that differ depending on user input, database lookups, time of day or whatever other criteria you dream up! ColdFusion pages consist of standard HTML tags.
